Service interruption in US-EAST-4


All projects are back online, thanks for your patience!

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We've been seeing projects very, very gradually coming back online, only a handful currently remain offline. We've been in constant communication with our underlying server provider, who believes it's down to their internal data storage layer taking a long time to mount volumes disks to servers.

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We're now seeing projects gradually coming back online, and are expecting all projects to be back up within the next half an hour.

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We've been informed by the underlying server provider that the recovery process is progressing well, but still make take some time yet. More info here

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The underlying server provider for US-EAST-4 has kicked off a recovery process to bring impacted servers back online, we're currently awaiting this process to complete.

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The underlying server provider for our US-EAST-4 cluster has reported that they're currently experiencing an issue which is responsible for the outage We're in communication with them, and are attempting to mitigate the issue.

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We're experiencing some interruption to service in our US-EAST-4 cluster which we are currently working on resolving.

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Began at:

Affected components
  • Clusters
    • US-EAST-4