DNS lookup issues with app.servd.host


DigitalOcean has reported on their status page incident that they've resolved their underlying DNS issue. If you continue to see issues, please reach out to us via support@servd.host or our support chat.

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We're now beginning gradually rolling out the fix to impacted clusters.

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DigitalOcean have acknowledged the issue and posted an incident on their status page. https://status.digitalocean.com/incidents/r9w0yrbyy9ls

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The rolled out fix appears to be successfully resolving the issue for impacted projects. We're currently in the process of automatically rolling out the fix to everyone, but you can manually resolve it by:

  1. Syncing your project.
  2. Clearing your project's Craft data cache.
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Impacted projects should now be fixed by syncing them. We're going to organise all impacted projects to be automatically synced, but you should be able to resolve things in the meantime by manually syncing.

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We're pursuing a change to our platform to hardcode the IP address for app.servd.host in the PHP instances attempting to make requests to the app.servd.host/create-asset-token endpoint. This will help us bypass the failing DNS lookups.

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It appears internal DNS lookups for app.servd.host in uk-london-2 and eu-west clusters are failing. We're in contact with DigitalOcean, the underlying hosting provider, to resolve the issue.

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We're seeing an uptick in issues related to DNS lookups for the app.servd.host domain. Currently investigating.

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Began at:

Affected components
  • Task Runner
  • Clusters
    • EU-WEST-1
    • EU-WEST-2
    • EU-WEST-3
    • EU-WEST-5
    • UK-LONDON-2
  • Assets Platform